One of the projects I put off for way too long was cleaning out and organizing my kids’ toy closet. This was the perfect job to tackle while we are all stuck at home!! The first thing I did was put together a plan. I knew I needed containers that would fit on the shelves of the hall toy closet. I wanted storage solutions that looked nice and were easily accessible for my kids, with the hope they would clean up after themselves. 😉
I headed to and found some awesome toy storage solutions! I picked up these Collapsible Storage Cubes (set of 2). They are perfect to hold lots of books, and with handles on each side my kids can easily take out the whole bin and enjoy their books! Next I found these super cute Pom Pom Pint Canvas Storage Bins They are great to throw things like blocks and random smaller toys in, plus when I saw the pom poms I was sold!! My last and favorite find were these LEGO® Brick Storage Drawer They are huge LEGOs that stack together and have a good size drawer to hold lots of LEGO sets inside! When these arrived in the mail my boys were so excited and could hardly wait to fill them up. I’m calling that a mom win!!

This whole project took my boys and me just a couple hours and the difference it made is night and day! I love how neat, organized, and functional everything is for my kids! My littlest one was so excited to find toys he forgot he had! 😂 Now I’m wondering why it took me so long to tackle!!
-Grey Birch Designs-